Muffin Meals

No, these meals won't be muffins but Muffin is one of my nicknames. Besides, it sounds cute! After viewing the Vegan Lunchbox site, religiously, my Husband wants me to post my own menu. I will try to post one meal each day. I hope I inspire people to have creative and healthy home cooked meals. I think that even if you aren't a vegetarian, you'll like the meals I present. I do feature dairy products and eggs in my food from time to time, but will try my best to present vegan dishes as well.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Birthday Dinner

Man yesterday was so busy. We had two business meetings and a small birthday dinner to do! Whew! The second meeting didn't get over until 8:30!! But it worth it!

I'm just now posting this, but the meal was grand! The theme was green, as Muffin Man's favorite color is green. I normally make cakes, but knew I couldn't pull it off with all we have been doing, and keep it a secret. So I got a DQ ice cream cake. I remembered that DH said he liked the crispy crunch cookie in the middle. The fish and rocks were both edible and were a symbol of our love for animals. We, uh, have 6 fish tanks set up and are getting ready to put a few more up.

The highlight of course was the pesto! DH had been mentioning that he wanted Pesto. So I decided to do it for his birthday. It was good. A tad strong, but then mine usually is. Complimented by a green salad. MMM.

Verdict: Mini Muffin wasn't sure about the pesto, I added spaghetti sauce to it. She ate a bit and then decided tomatoes were the way to go! So she had mainly tomatoes and cucumbers for dinner. DH LOVED the pesto and took extra for supper at work. My mom came and she said she really enjoyed the meal!


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