Muffin Meals

No, these meals won't be muffins but Muffin is one of my nicknames. Besides, it sounds cute! After viewing the Vegan Lunchbox site, religiously, my Husband wants me to post my own menu. I will try to post one meal each day. I hope I inspire people to have creative and healthy home cooked meals. I think that even if you aren't a vegetarian, you'll like the meals I present. I do feature dairy products and eggs in my food from time to time, but will try my best to present vegan dishes as well.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Flippity Flop!

Dinner was veggie quiche and asparagus. I added the last of the breadsticks from the other night. Also, my neice was here. She had already eaten however. I guess tonight was green! I chose this menu because I had one last pie crust in the freezer to use up. DH likes the stores for the quiche and my homemade stuff for pies!

Tonight was a flop! As you can see, the quiche didn't even want to come out of the pan properly. I don't really know what happened, but the milk didn't solidify, and the pie crust got soggy. DH didn't like the stringiness of frozen spinach leaves, I usually buy the chopped stuff. Sigh, so every once in a while, even I can mess up. On a good note, the asparagas was great and Mini Muffin even tried to eat some! Tomorrow is potluck at church, and I didn't have time today to make anything, but that's ok, because the church always has WAY too much food! But anyway, there won't be a picture tomorrow.


  • At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Come back Muffin Mama! I miss your posts!

  • At 5:41 AM, Blogger Dori said…

    I meant HI above, not ho. Oh no, the quiche flopped. The picture is forgiving... the idea of it still sounds good.


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