Usually when I make Challah, I do a three strand braid, but this time I decided to try to be creative and do a four strand braid....Wow, that is definately better than a three strand!! Maybe next time I'll get brave and do a five or six strand!!!
Just so you know, this is half of a batch of bread, but the bread is sitting on a dinner plate!! And the batch is the size of a typical loaf of bread, so Challah is long, but a bit narrow and short in height when I made it. It is however wonderful to eat!
And for all you Sesame Street viewers, when you make a pb & J sandwich, you get what we call a Mumphrey the Magician sandwich....a Challah Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich!!! (Mumphrey says A la Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, as he waves his wand!)
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