Muffin Meals

No, these meals won't be muffins but Muffin is one of my nicknames. Besides, it sounds cute! After viewing the Vegan Lunchbox site, religiously, my Husband wants me to post my own menu. I will try to post one meal each day. I hope I inspire people to have creative and healthy home cooked meals. I think that even if you aren't a vegetarian, you'll like the meals I present. I do feature dairy products and eggs in my food from time to time, but will try my best to present vegan dishes as well.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Second Seder

Friday evening we went a second seder. The pictures above are, in order, the seder plate, Matzah Ball Soup, Fruited Rice, Honey-coated Carrots, and for dessert, Macaroons!

For more information, or questions, on the Seder or Passover, feel free to ask me!


  • At 7:10 AM, Blogger mindy said…

    why can't you eat wheat for passover?

  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger LadyRachelLynn said…

    I apologize, you may eat wheat on passover, however, many jews believe that you need to be sure that the wheat is clear of any natural leavening.....I have been using matzah this week, which is unleavened bread.
    Being Jewish

    Both of those links should give you more info.


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