The infamous Mac n Cheese
Complimenting the Mac N Cheese was a salad, topped by home grown sprouts! This is MiniB Muffin's plate, so she only had alfalfa sprouts...but us adults added radish sprouts to our salads as well.
MiniB Muffin ate well. She ate her salad, and then her mac, and then asked for more mac, and then more mac, and then more salad! My goodness, I was beginning to wonder if she would EVER get full. I think its the first time she's EVER asked for more Mac N Cheese! Usually we have to bribe her to eat it by agreeing to give her more salad if she eats her mac.
Sprouts seem to be the new thing in our home again. I finally got a location that works, and we have a light on them. At first, I was having problems with the sprouts turning mildewy...because that's a big problem in our house anyway! But I played around with it and it seems to be working. MiniB Muffin is "in charge" of the sprouts, and she loves it. She waters them every day, and watches the water travel from tray to tray. She loves to sample them, and is learning to like the flavor and texture of sprouts. In foods she loves it, but if she gets a mouthful of just sprouts....well lets just say the jury is still out on that one. I've only given her alfalfa ones to eat so far, even though she grows both kinds. The Radish ones are just too hot for her yet.
If you are blessed to find a sprouter, give it a try! Your kids just might like growing them!
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