Muffin Meals

No, these meals won't be muffins but Muffin is one of my nicknames. Besides, it sounds cute! After viewing the Vegan Lunchbox site, religiously, my Husband wants me to post my own menu. I will try to post one meal each day. I hope I inspire people to have creative and healthy home cooked meals. I think that even if you aren't a vegetarian, you'll like the meals I present. I do feature dairy products and eggs in my food from time to time, but will try my best to present vegan dishes as well.

Friday, May 25, 2007

A Good Deed

I would like to encourage all of you to do a good mitzvah (a good deed) this next month. If you know or hear of anyone who has just had a baby, please ask to pay them a visit, and bring them food! When MiniB Muffin was born, our church made us food for a week, different people taking a different day. It was so nice not to have to cook while I was bonding with my baby, and healing from my ordeal.

This time around, someone thought to bring me a meal even though it wasn't my first baby. She even made us a vegan meal!!! I appreciated this so much, and her food was so delicious, I had to share it on here.

Here is what she sent, vegetable barley kale soup, whole wheat pita bread, strawberries, salad, and small dishes of hummus and salad dressing. Thank you, my friend, for your kind gesture! May all good cooks do the same for others!


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